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Belgium Language

The Languages of Belgium: A Rich and Diverse Tapestry

Dutch: The Dominant Tongue

Dutch is the most widely spoken language in Belgium, serving as the official language of the Flemish Community and the Flemish Region, which encompass the northern part of the country. This Germanic language, closely related to English and German, is the mother tongue of the majority of Belgians, accounting for around 60% of the population.

French: The Language of Diplomacy and Culture

French, the language of international diplomacy and cultural refinement, is the official language of the Walloon Region in southern Belgium, as well as the Brussels-Capital Region. Spoken by approximately 40% of Belgians, French holds a prominent position in the country's political and economic life.

German: A Minority Language with Strong Roots

German, the language of Goethe and Schiller, is the third official language of Belgium, spoken in the eastern part of the country. The German-speaking Community, comprising around 1% of the population, is concentrated in the Eupen-Malmédy region, bordering Germany.

Other Regional and Minority Languages

In addition to the three official languages, Belgium is home to several regional and minority languages, reflecting its rich linguistic diversity. Luxembourgish, a Germanic language closely related to German, is spoken in the south-eastern corner of the country. Along the French border, Walloon, a Romance language, is still spoken by some communities.
